Friday, August 7, 2009

Luna by Julie Anne Peters

Peters, Julie A. Luna. Little, Brown Young Readers, 2006. ISBN: 0316011274

Plot Summary

Regan is a teenager attending high school who is trying to live a normal teenage life but finds it difficult since she has taken it upon herself to keep her brother, Liam, happy. Liam, is not your ordinary teenager because he is dealing with an issue that very few people his age understand. Liam, feels alone in a world that would not accept his secret, his only confident is his sister Regan, but this might be something that she cannot handle on her own. Regan, was always making sure that Liam was doing fine but no one was making sure if Regan was. A boy in her school has some interest in her but Regan finds it hard just too even hang out with him. Liam’s secret is causing her to miss events in her life that she desperately wants. Regan wants to break free from her brother and create a life for herself but Liam needs someone to help through a transition. There relationship becomes more difficult after Liam’s secret is not so much of a secret anymore after he begins to dress like a girl in public.

Critical evaluation

Liam feels that he has to act like a boy by dressing and acting the part because he was born a boy. If he were to act differently from his given role people would not accept it. Liam had to fake who he was in order to be accepted but in doing so he was not accepting himself. Liam felt like a “freak” and felt that “he didn’t fit anywhere” as if he were an alien to this world. The idea of language and gender roles caused Liam to feel shame for the person he really was. Liam’s true self of wanting to be a girl caused him to change his name to Luna and had the strength of taking the next step to transitioning from a man to a woman. Luna would be able to reflect the gender role and language that was the true Liam without any question from others or him self. She would fit perfectly into the “gender scale” and she would feel accepted rather than a “freak.”

Readers Annotations

Regan is trying to make it through high school while Liam is trying to be more of the girl that he was born to be. Regan has always helped “Luna” but this time Luna needs more from Regan who may not want to be there for her anymore.

Information About the Author

Peters was inspired to write this novel after a girl kept waking her up telling her to write her story. Peters was annoyed because she was trying to sleep but finally asked her what in which the girls response was ‘im transsexual.’


Transgender/Transsexual Fiction

Curriculum Ties


Booktalking Ideas
1) Regan first person account

2) Describe Lunas struggle

Reading Level/Interest Age

Gr. 9+

Controversial Subject Matter and Defense of Ideas


Chosen by the American Library Association for their 2009 Great Stories CLUB

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