Plot Summary
Marcus and his friends Jolu and Van are seniors in high school living in
Critical evaluation
A combination of 1984 and Hackers for this generations fear of terrorism. Marcus is the ordinary hacker who wants to bring down a system that treated him and is treating others like animals. The plot is excellent because this is an underlying fear that some Americans have, especially after 911. After 911, the Patriot Act became a threat to peoples privacy but the government believed that it was infringing on others peoples lives was to protect billions of lives. How far would they go to keep Americans “safe” though, who monitors those who are monitoring? This novel opens up a can of worms of what ifs? It is a thought provoking novel that entertains.
Readers Annotations
Marcus and his friends, who are hacker, are treated as terrorist after they are found near the attack in San Francisco where “suspicious” items were found in there bags. Marcus is willing to bring down the government to find his lost friend and restore privacy to
nformation About the Author
Cory Doctorow's Little Brother won the 2009 Campbell Award for "Best Science Fiction Novel of the Year"
Science Fiction
Curriculum Ties
Booktalking Ideas
1) Patriot Act. Think its ok?
2) Can little brother be a reality?
3) Marcus after inerrogations. First person narrative
Reading Level/Interest Age
Gr. 8-12
Why Book Included
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