Lin, Justin.
Better Luck Tomorrow. Paramount, 2003. DVD. 101 mins. ASIN: B0000AI424
Plot Summary
Ben and his friends entire lives revolved around school, work, extra curricular activities, and SAT’s but they wanted more. All they focused was how there good there college application was. Though this was there life they were bored of it. Ben, Virgil, and Hung were bored suburban teenagers who would steal and cause trouble around town. No one had any idea it was them since they were straight A Asian American students. Ben became, Stephanie’s, his crush, lab partner which he thought was great but she was dating Steve. Ben began to do cheat sheets that he got from Derek, the student body president, for money. These high school students studied and partied hard. Ben, Derek, Hung, and Virgil began to do cheat sheets together and sell drugs. There reputations began to grow, especially after Hung pulled out a gun at a party. Other scams began to come up each becoming more risky and dangerous. Ben began to dwell into drugs while trying to maintain his grades and his notorious reputation. His popularity and wealth increased but along with it came trouble. They were all bored, reckless, intelligent seniors in high school who were willing to risk everything. Critical evaluation
Better Luck Tomorrow is a groundbreaking American film due to its subject matter. There have been movies that involve kids doing drugs, getting in fights, and stealing but what makes this movie different from the rest is because it deals with Asian Americans. Asian Americans in film are usually depicted as being passive or a type of ninja but the reality is that Asian Americans are just like any other teens, they get into trouble. This movie caused some controversy to stir up in the Asian American community but that controversy allowed the movie to become more popular. This MTV film captures teens getting into bad situations that they put themselves in for cheap thrills. The acting and directing are done well but the cast does not look like teens. The movie goes beyond stereotypes and introduces America to something that was behind doors.
Readers Annotations
Ben Manibag is an overachieving senior in high school living in boring old suburbia. Ben and his friends began to meddle around in the world of drugs and petty crimes but with the power follows consequences.
Information About the Author
Lin filmed Better Luck Tomorrow at his own high school alma mater and was a well received 2002 independent feature.
Curriculum Ties
Booktalking Ideas
1) Stereotypes of Asian Americans
2) Brian first person narrative
Reading Level/Interest Age
Why Book Included
It shows Asian American in a different light which I found to be quite interesting.
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